Bowling Tournament – 40 Frame
October 24, 2015
- This is a singles tournament with 2 divisions & Squads. Men’s & Women’s (USBC Certified. Participants must hold current USBC Membership Card). Bowlers may bowl both squad: paying for each squad.
- Format: 40 frame game (each frame something different)
- Handicap: 90% of 210
- Averages: Current (highest) 2015/ 2016 season of 21 games or more. f less than 21 gams,will. use last season’s highest Book Average. (if no average,will use house average: Women 155 Men 185). Participants who report incorrect averages will be disqualified;Tournament Director willverify all in house bowlers’ averages.
- FEES: Lineage – $12.00 Prize Fund – $26.00 Director $2.00 TOTAL ENTRY: $45.00. SQUAD BONUS PAYS: $5.00 Pay Days: Big Whammy,Bingo,Bango,Bongo (must have all 3 to count as Pay Days) Mul t i ple en tries allowed but can only cash once.
- Pay Out: 1in 4 entries: combination of both squads (paydays will be paid per squad)
- SQUAD TIMES: SAT. OCT 24TH,2015 AT 11:00am & 2:00pm
- Check-in time is 30 minutes before start time
- Entries will close 15 minutes before start time.•••PLEASE BE ON TIME